Tuesday, January 11, 2005

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.5 (January 11, 2005)

Moment of Zen: Dan Rather, stoney faced and emotionless delivering a monotone recitation of "Country Roads" by John Denver. I missed the "original" Zen so I did a quick google search - and learned that this was Rather on the occasion celebrating the rescue of Jessica Lynch....

A rare moment of true sadness from Jon Stewart today, as he let us in on the pain he was feeling - "hurtin like a boat adrift in a storm." He showed the January 24 cover of People magazine - FROM THE FUTURE - and its full cover photo and story "WHY THEY SPLIT" about the end of Brad Pitt and Jenifer Aniston's relationship. Why so sad? Well, he showed the January 17 cover of People which gave full cover status to the TSUNAMI - then focussed on the small photo of the couple highlighting their "Romantic Getaway".

Jon says he's sad 'cause People gave us HOPE just a week before only to dash it now...but really, someone ought to answer the underlying question of why the stars' romance is deemed so important it completely outshadows the relief efforts ongoing in southeast asia?

On the other hand, I was just about to write a little article on my "blisseffect" blog urging the world to lift itself up out of grief and move on to find happiness in the simple things, because of my recently gained understanding of how much we create "the future" by what thoughts, images, emotions we feel "today".

In our typically American gory obsession with the aftermath though, I hope others are beginning to hear the stories of strength and miracles that are coming through - how people are chipping in to help each other as a community rather than wait for outside "aid", and what about those animal stories - how did they all survive?! And the people who woke up and ran up the hill, five minutes before the wave hit... What on EARTH is up with that??

Here's the best news yet: that mysterious "sixth sense" you keep hearing about is a skill or talent we can all learn to use, and not only will it help us instinctively know when its time to "get out of the way" it'll also help us and the stars we admire, learn to live together in healthier, more balanced relationships...

Back to the Daily Show...Jon gave a hard-hitting report on the 'SEE B.S / Rathergate' controversy. You can read about that elsewhere...Rob Corddry made the cute point that in news today "you don't need the facts, if you have the right inflection?" So, if you ask a question, it can get to the heart of the matter more directly and without so much pesky research and validation of "facts".

My advice: keep on asking questions until you get an answser that you are certain is TRUE. This may take rephrasing the question, asking a few different people, or trying a few different keywords in your Google search.

Ironically in the case of 'rathergate' the memos that surfaced were allegedly "faked" however, the information regarding George W. Bush's dismal national guard service record were, apparently, actually true. However, in attacking the "memo" we - as a country - apparently obilterated the entire message. Now CBS fired four senior staff members and is hiring one person to oversee "fact checking" in the future...if anyone find out who gets that position, please let me know? thanks!

Inauguration Day is quickly approaching, January 20, 2005. Is anyone else like me, hoping that somehow in the next week a miracle happens and all the surpressed information about the last election comes to light and we Americans take to the streets like the Ukraine and stay there until we get the change we know we need? Yeah, I know, i'm a dreamer. In my reality, PEACE is the norm, TRUTH is the standard, and LOVE is the law....

I quickly lost track of all the millions and millions in expenses adding up for the inauguration, but definitely irked me that they are going to bill $12 million to the District of Columbia for security - the district voted 9 out of 10 for John Kerry. Note to DC residents - the reason Bush/Cheney have never been to Madison, Wisconsin is that our city has told them they have to pay for their OWN DAMN SECURITY! Try that one out, see if it helps!

Did you know that Bush is charging $250,000 per person to attend an exclusive lunch and candlelight dinner with himself --> with so many people on the verge of starvation here, there, everywhere... I wanna know - who actually forks up that much to kiss presidential butt over coffee, and what favors do they expect in return? I guess only the next four years will tell.

Brooks and Dunn and Kid Rock to provide entertainment??? Not so fast Jon....
THIS JUST IN: Jon highlighted an organization called
"American Family Association" http://www.afa.net/ - apparently just a
point and a click and their members can activate to fight for important
issues such as:

Kid Rock Victory! Thanks to the support of AFA online members AFA
learned Wednesday afternoon that Kid Rock, who was being considered to be a
performer at the Youth Concert in the Presidential Inauguration on Thursday
January 20th, will NOT be performing. Thank you for taking action in this
endeavor and for your continuing support of American Family

That's ok, I'd rather go hear a local DJ play some new dance beats and have a spontaneous potluck dinner with my friends, and celebrate the fact that TRUTH is IMMORTAL while GEORGE BUSH ONLY GETS 4 more years. thanks! I recommend more of us join this AFA and share the diversity of opinion that is what truly makes America great...and rather than email, we should HANDWRITE letters to our 'leaders' and let them in on the secret....that there are no more secrets!

So, the last Inauguration saw the hugest protests ever for any American president....did it make any difference? More people protested the war in Iraq, and were ignored... its frustrating, but don't lose hope. If my hunch is right and that "protesting against" something just creates more negative vibration - I hope this year, those who gather decide to find a positive way to demonstrate that WE THE PEOPLE - CAN BE THE CHANGE WE NEED, from the ground up. (What if DANCING is the opposite of WAR? What if we could create more peace just by DANCING MORE?)

Great Moments in Puditry - Aug 4, 2004...didn't make the kids laugh...but did highlight journalists Tim Russert and Bill O'Reilly labeling an economist a "quasi-socialist"

Guest Star: Samuel L. Jackson the definition of Cool Itself! Talking about his upcoming moving film "Coach Carter" - and upcoming release of the next Star Wars movie which he says will wrap everything up in a neat little package and answer all the important questions. Will it answer the million dollar question - and remind us once and for all that "the Force" IS with us, and that it is "Prana, Light, Chi, Energy, Love, God, Truth" ie, FREE energy for everbody.

Alcohol tip of the day: Samuel L Jackson mentioned he loves to play golf, tennis, and ping pong...Jon mentioned playing Ping Pong as a drinking "game" - where if you get the ball in a cup everyone has to drink and that once you get to 21 someone has to go to the hospital. The truth is, alcohol isn't fun and games, its one of the few substances on the planet that in relatively small amounts can actually kill you - with alcohol poisoning. Guess what a hangover is: a slightly milder case of ALCOHOL POISONING. I was surfing channels the other day and some scientific lecturer was on talking about how the minute alcohol enters the body, it gets converted into some highly toxic ie, deadly substance. So kids, take it from Bliss...don't play drinking games with alcohol - unless you like to play "dead".

Victory for Freedom of Speech? Jon Stewart's book America, which was banned from libraries in Mississippi yesterday, was un-banned today. The memo announcing the reversal said "we have come under intense scrutiny by the outside community" SO - keep up the good work, scrutinize EVERYTHING and WRITE A LETTER of CONCERN to shed a little more "light" on the issues that get you fired up! I'm convinced that e-mails are too easily ignored (based on the size of my own inbox and the difficulty in finding anything of real importance amid offers to enlarge my penis ;0) SO go back to basics and when an issue grabs your attention, get out a pen, paper and write them a short letter by hand and from the heart and do it NOW!

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DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.13 (January 25, 2005)

**Although I'm a few weeks behind on posting them, I have been continuing to take notes on the Daily Show, and gaining new respect for ...