Monday, January 10, 2005

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.4 (January 10, 2005)

Moment of Zen: Clip of Richard Gere from Palestinian TV commercial promoting the importance of voting in their recent English and ARABIC!

Free Speech Alert: Jon Stewart's book "America" was banned in Mississippi - apparently seeing the Supreme Court in their birthday suits was a little too alarming to them. I happened to flip through this book at Borders Bookstore last week, and noticed it had the look and feel of a real MTV generation textbook, full of pictures and cool stuff - unfortunately I missed the page in question so I can't say for sure if the Justices nudity really does justify censorship of this type. I'll have to browse a little more slowly next time...

The Palestinian Elections (report by Rob Corddry)
Pointed out the Palenstinians had a higher turnout than even the US, saying it was due to "having nothing better to do." What do we have to do in the US that is so important? Probably looking to hollywood stars and videogames for answers or escape, making us too busy for anything more involved, such as finding the truth for ourselves...

More info from Google Search:
What Gere Said:
"Hi, I'm Richard Gere and I'm speaking for the entire world. We're with you during this election time. It's really important. Get out and vote," Gere said in the advertisement. He repeated the final phrase in Arabic.
Local Reaction:
"I don't even know who the candidates are other than Mahmoud Abbas, let alone this Gere," Gaza soap factory worker Manar An Najar told Reuters.
"We don't need the Americans' intervention. We know who to elect. Not like them - they elected a moron."
Who Made It:
The Gere spot, sponsored by grassroots Israeli-Palestinian peace lobby One Voice, recalled ads put out by Hollywood notables to support Democratic candidate Senator John Kerry in November's US elections. He lost to President George W Bush.

Really folks, the rest of the world doesn't look to US for an example on how to have a good election. How did it happen? Too many people either too busy to look a little deeper for the Truth, or too brainwashed? My advice to all humans: don't wait for another election to find a CANDIDATE to solve our problems, they don't have a clue. Its gotta start from the ground up. We all gotta "BE the change" - unless we're happy being called morons. then just keep on keepin on...

Ed Helms Report "Canadian Fakin'" (replayed). His advice for american's who don't want to be treated as vile enemies of freedom when we travel abroad: pretend to be Canadian by wearing a maple leaf t-shirt, sold online by Bill Broadbent. Makes ya wonder, why is there a Canada anyway, and why are they so much cooler than Americans?

Next Jon Stewart asked his teen audience: Put down your bong and watch this...a TV ad which is really just untruthful government propaganda. Really? In America??? He went on to show clips of the commercial, produced by the "Office of National Drug Control Policy" at a cost of $155,000 in which John Walters talks about how "pop culture tends to trivialize marijuana as a source of dependency, poor performance in school, etc, etc." Whats the big deal?

Priorities, priorities. Actually, even the World Health Organization produced a report that was promptly buried, which showed that marijuana is relatively harmless especially compared with cigarettes and beer which are much more frequently abused by teens - and which cause actual harm that is known to kill you prematurely, but which are available everywhere.

With the really harmful drugs like Crack Cocaine and Heroin (which are much more harmful and addictive even than Alcohol and Tobacco, not to mention gov't sanctioned drugs like sugar and caffeine) becoming so common that they are showing up on the CNN ticker as appearing in babies milk or at nursery school, why is the government "cracking down" on what may be the LEAST HARMFUL OF ALL SUBSTANCES instead of focussing some attention on the REAL problems, or at least DRUGS that cause REAL problems? Could it be $$$?

Oh how deep does the corruption go? Jon next pointed out that Armstrong Williams, a syndicated columnist, was paid $240,000 to support the presidents "No Child Left Behind" initiative. From local news reports I've read teachers are finding this a complete disaster, with more and more focus on tests and less focus on actual learning. The teachers can't teach properly if they fear losing funding because a handful of students aren't 'fill in the blank' robots who always give the answer we expect. I love the way Jon pointed out this waste of money, why, it would have been enough to produce approximately TWO really crappy, really inaccurate anti-pot commercials. And all this time, there are HOW Many KIDS in the uS living beneath the poverty level? What about getting our priorities straight gov? huh? gov!? HERE IS A THOUGHT: instead of wasting money 'buying' support for your WRONG policies, why not put that money towards answering the real questions and solving the real problems? hm? Would that be so hard?

GUEST JOHN GRISHAM was promoting his book "The Broker" - Since he's from Mississippi Jon asked "innocently" - What's wrong with them? Grisham responded: "They don't do nudity" then went on to share how great it is to get banned, for overall book sales. Yay, banned books!

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DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.13 (January 25, 2005)

**Although I'm a few weeks behind on posting them, I have been continuing to take notes on the Daily Show, and gaining new respect for ...