Tuesday, January 25, 2005

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.12 (January 24, 2005)

Moment of Zen:
Tribute to Johnny Carson, 1925-2005...Ed McMahon introducing 'the Great Karnak'!
Some kids skateboarding.

President Bush, phoning in from Camp David, to the "pro-life" rally at the Capitol..."it is the duty of the strong to protect the weak."
**hm, if only they would show as much concern for those already living, we wouldn't have so many of our soldiers getting killed and maimed unnecessarily...

MessoPotamia - Indecision 2005 //
Iraqi citizens living in the US will be able to vote in five major cities:
Washington, DC
Los Angeles

Rob Cordry, Baghdad Bureau chief: "the mood here, when not life threatening, is electric!" With 270 Parties, the PIE Chart he displayed showing the breakdown of Iraqi voters looked like dessert being served at a super model convention. The "majority party" with .8% was the Iraqi...Unity Party.

over 50 million americans have no health insurance...
Steve Synott, Blue Cross of California is now marketing new 'products' to the younger generation (19-29 year olds). Under the catchy name, Tonik - these limited policies do not cover pre-existing conditions, according to RN Judy Spellman: "I wish these companies would spend as much on HEALTH CARE as they do on advertising." HEAR HEAR! And don't forget the R&D, Marketing, and Public Relations!!! Woo! They sponsor snowboarding competitions and everything so they must be cool, right?

My 23 cents on the issue: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. know thyself. heal thyself.

Guest: Author of "America's Right Turn"
Discussed how Direct Mail was the trick used not only by George W. Bush to "mobilize his base" but also presidents back to Nixon and Ronald Reagan, who he claimed would not have been elected without it. Jon points out ironically, how "in some respects its a manual...a tool for insurgency. Other tricks used to communicate: phone calls, lunches, dinners. At one point, the guest said a bit too unwaveringly for comfort: "Conservatives are not in power YET." The mere thought makes me shudder. Jon pointed out how the liberal movement is really just a series of separate causes, special interests...

hmm, maybe we need a Unity Party, here in America...you know, join all the different 3rd parties, non-voters, rock the vote, vote or die, etc etc....

SO everybody, build your mailing list and throw a unity party, any chance you get...rise above all this political hooha, and get to the heart of the matter....


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DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.13 (January 25, 2005)

**Although I'm a few weeks behind on posting them, I have been continuing to take notes on the Daily Show, and gaining new respect for ...