Wednesday, February 23, 2005

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.13 (January 25, 2005)

**Although I'm a few weeks behind on posting them, I have been continuing to take notes on the Daily Show, and gaining new respect for REAL journalists like Jon Stewart. Who knew how time consuming this would be, and also how deeply spiritually challenging - to know so much about what is going on, one must eventually find some way to DEAL with it! I GOT SOO depressed right around the innauguration that I lacked the energy to transfer my notes onto the Blog. So anybody out there wanna buy me Tivo? That'd make things a LOT easier! ;0)

Moment of Zen: Dick Cheney on Imus in the Morning (radio show) saying:
"We don't want a war in the Middle East if we can avoid it...."

/\/\/\/\/Jon recommends any viewers who have a beard and appear to be of Middle Eastern descent, when travelling or in a crowd, say: "I would just like everyone to know, I'm Dominican..." Dominican: person born in the Dominican Republic, a carribbean island between Jamaica and Puerto Rico.

Mess O'Potamia: Seymour Hirsch, published an article in the New Yorker, warning of surveillance in Iran by our government...almost as if they are ramping up for yet another war. Bush, denying that he'd read that report and saying that the Pentagon says it isn't true. He went on to say what he DID know:

1) There will be elections in Iraq
2) There will be a democratic state in Iraq
3) Such a state will serve as an example to the "neighborhood"

Jon went on to show a map of the region, using tic-tac-toe X's showing...
Afghanistan to the East...X
Iraq to the West...X
IRAN, right in the middle of the 2...X!!!
So, there goes the route for the oil pipeline Halliburton started planning out way before September 11, they think we are stupid??

Jon moved along to give an Introduction to Iran, before th emap is covered with troop movement diagrams....
Capital: Tehran
Language: Farsi
Currency: Rial
Architecture: "Still Standing"
...reminding us that since Iran has no equivalent of Saddam Hussein, it would be harder for the neo-cons to "market a Persian Incursion"...that youth under age 15 make up 1/3 of the population of 67 million...which means there will be growth in either reactionary Islam, or MTV

Rob Cordry: Ross Group, Ruby Hunt 525 Lexington Street, St Paul, MN...doesn't think Charles M. Schultz's peanuts sculptures are worthy to share the park with a statue of F Scott Fitzgerald.

Guest...Seymorre Hirsch, really frightening...said that the "neo-cons" don't want Iran to exist and that they're planning something of a strategic attack THIS SUMMER! NO BLANK CHECK FOR WAR!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.12 (January 24, 2005)

Moment of Zen:
Tribute to Johnny Carson, 1925-2005...Ed McMahon introducing 'the Great Karnak'!
Some kids skateboarding.

President Bush, phoning in from Camp David, to the "pro-life" rally at the Capitol..."it is the duty of the strong to protect the weak."
**hm, if only they would show as much concern for those already living, we wouldn't have so many of our soldiers getting killed and maimed unnecessarily...

MessoPotamia - Indecision 2005 //
Iraqi citizens living in the US will be able to vote in five major cities:
Washington, DC
Los Angeles

Rob Cordry, Baghdad Bureau chief: "the mood here, when not life threatening, is electric!" With 270 Parties, the PIE Chart he displayed showing the breakdown of Iraqi voters looked like dessert being served at a super model convention. The "majority party" with .8% was the Iraqi...Unity Party.

over 50 million americans have no health insurance...
Steve Synott, Blue Cross of California is now marketing new 'products' to the younger generation (19-29 year olds). Under the catchy name, Tonik - these limited policies do not cover pre-existing conditions, according to RN Judy Spellman: "I wish these companies would spend as much on HEALTH CARE as they do on advertising." HEAR HEAR! And don't forget the R&D, Marketing, and Public Relations!!! Woo! They sponsor snowboarding competitions and everything so they must be cool, right?

My 23 cents on the issue: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. know thyself. heal thyself.

Guest: Author of "America's Right Turn"
Discussed how Direct Mail was the trick used not only by George W. Bush to "mobilize his base" but also presidents back to Nixon and Ronald Reagan, who he claimed would not have been elected without it. Jon points out ironically, how "in some respects its a manual...a tool for insurgency. Other tricks used to communicate: phone calls, lunches, dinners. At one point, the guest said a bit too unwaveringly for comfort: "Conservatives are not in power YET." The mere thought makes me shudder. Jon pointed out how the liberal movement is really just a series of separate causes, special interests...

hmm, maybe we need a Unity Party, here in know, join all the different 3rd parties, non-voters, rock the vote, vote or die, etc etc....

SO everybody, build your mailing list and throw a unity party, any chance you get...rise above all this political hooha, and get to the heart of the matter....


DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.11 (January 20, 2005)

[I am not sure why I'm blogging the daily show but I do have a theory: if the rest of America watched the Daily Show, in addition to their 'mainstream' news outlet(s) of choice...they would not have made this mistake in the first place, or the second place..Not that Kerry would have been able to change much, but imagine that Fallujah...abu Ghraib would never have happened...our president wouldn't need multimillion dollar security for his, please tell your friends to watch the Daily Show, or visit the Comedy Central web page for clips of the best scenes."]

Moment of Zen:

Rehnquist: " help me God."
Bush: " help me God."
straight into a rendition of John Ashcrofts "hit single" Let the Eagle Soar...

ow, he's hurting the music! So, HELP ME GOD!

Lead Story: The Re-Oathening
Rob Cordry said the overall feeling was one of pride that our democracy could handle such a "peaceful non-transfer of power" and jested that "we welcome the second Bush term as an opportunity for not just more of the same but all of the same." awwww, nuts...i mean, woo hoo!

President Bush's inaugural speech sounded like something he put together with a very small magnetic poetry know, the kind you play with on your locker or fridge door? "there is no justice without freedom...when you stand for liberty, we'll stand for you...definition of liberty...blah blah...advance the cause of freedom...blah blah...
Q: Where can we find the complete transcript of this and other Bush battles of the big clearly undefined terms?

"when Bush solemly swore, at least 49% of the country also solemnly swore..."

"It was not so much an inauguration as the establishment of a dynasty, no, Empire..."

Re: making the oath of office, the Cheney family held the Bible but Mary Cheney "can't touch the burns! Feel the P O W E R!" haha. right!

Guest: Joe Lieberman said he was not going to the inauguration, but with his wife to "a democratic party where were gonna try and be happy."

Hopes to fight the changes in Social Security, and also make the president to "see the danger coming" with Global Warming (which should really be called, climate change)

Glimmer of Hope? Liebermann says that while Bush was being sworn in, he and John Kerry were "both lip synching - both of us have also been sworn in as president, and are ready to take over whenever needed."

When asked how he can work with the conservatives in DC: "high tolerance for pain"

Monday, January 24, 2005

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.10 (January 19, 2005)

Moment of Zen:

newcaster saying "a new book may rewrite american history, sex researcher CA Tripp claims that President Clinton may have been gay." co-anchors immediately chime in "no, no! Lincoln, President Lincoln."

Easy to understand that uh, slip of the tongue....

Opening Story:

The band "Fuel" taking heat for coming on stage at the Bush inauguration festivities saying "welcome to the greatest F*cking country in the world!" A difficult situation for the right, as "he cursed, but in the service of patriotism. He said F*ck, but used it to modify the terrifficness of the country."

Inaugural fashion tip: Fear is the new Black / Never before in history has the inauguration of an american president been surrounded by so much military "protection". Does this reveal a level of fear/paranoia in the whitehouse that perhaps it feels deep down it just might be askin' for trouble after four years of lies and deception....? Or was it more in reaction to the HUGE protests egging the presidents motorcade LAST inauguration? Was it just me, or did this huge show of force seem more directed towards preventing protests from getting anywhere near the event? Anyhoo, after planning a $40 mil party and not inviting US, I guess a little extra security at the door is justified to "keep out the riff raff." ahem.

Jon said "a record number of bomb sniffing dogs are on hand to protect the president from exploding snausages (a kind of dog treat)"

Whaaaaa!? Ritz-Carlton offered guests of the inauguration party a package for $105,000 which included a BUTLER, chocolate "cowboy boots", fashion statement dress for the ladies, and for the romantic "we love our president" contingent, rose petals arranged on the bed in the shape of a W! Was that one night, or two? I bet Mother Nature is pretty p/o'd at this unprecedented egotistical misuse of flowers. I'm with the "man in the street" who called this spectacle a "repudiation of everything America should stand for."

TO: Jack Evans, DC Councilman
FROM: A mind boggled citizen
RE: $12mil security bill for the inauguration
JUST SAY NO!!! President Bush created the climate making this security necessary by his own personal choices and therefore he personally should be liable for the expense.

Daily Show Timeline of Dead Guys
1863 Abraham Lincoln....just who was he? CA Tripp claims he was gay...or was he just huddling for warmth in a day when central heating didn't exist? Or is sexuality actually pretty irrelevant to running a country?
1600 Shakespeare - Knew way too much about syphillis
1360 BC King Tut's mummy was given a CT-Scan (or was that an MRI?) "the only guy powerful enough to get people to go to a museum."

Guest: Michael Beschloss - Presidential Historian and writer. Was wearing the biggest BLUE tie I've ever seen. Does that make him a liberal?

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.9 (January 18 2005)

Moment of Zen:
Condoleeza Rice, finally giving up the name of the memo proving the US Government knew more than it let on, "Bin Laden determined to attack within the United States"
or was it this one:
hee hee...."people were still using Wangs in some parts of the state department, not that there's anyting wrong with Wangs!"

YAY Barbara Boxer, D - California for standing up to the woMAN: "your loyalty to the mission overwhelmed your respect for the truth" - that is putting it gently.

BOO Sen John Kerry, givin' up already - again: "we know you're going to be confirmed..."

When Condoleeza Rice told Barbara Boxer to "refrain from impugning my integrity" she retorted: "You contradicted the President and you contradicted yourself." YAY Barbara!

Space Ball - story on the moon of Saturn called Titan and all the pretty pictures that show there might be water up there....Jon asked innocently "whats with all the searching for water on other planets? Is there something about our water that we should know about?"

hm. dig a little deeper on that one and see why I been a little depresed for a week. also, my sun sign is Cancer and I have lotsa planets in water signs....and I have to buy my water in plastic box at the store because the tap water here in beeeoootiful Madison, Wisconsin tastes awful...

Guest: Evangelical author, Jim Wallis, "God's Politics" made sense...
"how has Jesus become pro-rich, pro-war, pro...
is torture a moral value? Religion does not have a monopoly on moral values. fighting poverty and protecting our environment and being honest about why we go to war are moral values."

Gave me hope: He talked about a woman named Lisa Sullivan, who had died, but wrote in the book - I paraphrase from my notes: don't tell me these problems are too big, don't tell me there are no Martin Luther Kings, WE ARE THE ONES WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR!" Social movements are what change history lets get moving! BE the change!

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.8 (January 17, 2005)

Moment of Zen:

Barbara Walters, as she was about to start a tour of the Whitehouse interviewing President Bush and the First Lady, "Shall we begin the torture?"

Lead Story:

The Fall G.I. / Charles Granner Jr - abu Ghraib prison torture trial, when asked if he had any regrets replied "No." Lindy England, the woman shown in photos released from abu Ghraib, just had HIS BABY! His mother, standing up for him (YAY MOM!) said "Donald Rumsfeld and President Bush disgraced the country."

FBI's post 911 computer system which cost over 17 million (or was it billion?) to build, doesn't work. Wang! They should have hired some high school kids to do it for them. Robert Mueller, FBI director is "frustrated by the delay and the lack of a modern case management system..."

LOST IN TRANSLATION: Apparently despite the inability to keep up with translation, 20 Arabic/Farsi translators working for the US govt were fired ...for being gay.

Guest: Brian Ross, ABC News...(was with the newsteam who caught Tom Ridge poolside in Waikiki at his "homeland security conference") talked about the 'intersection of money and power" and how companies are influencing politicians to influence their profits...government and corporatons are "actively blocking the truth", "news reports by PR firms" - they spend so much to influence, to "BLUNT" us....

...jon interrupts to ask "are you growing pot in your office?"
...Brian Ross replies, "not enough sunlight"
...jon responds "you know, there's hydroponics..." HEE HEE! Great PUN, now pass me da blunt!

[Note, i'm a full week behind adding my notes from the Daily Show. I could say its cause I pulled a muscle shoveling snow, or that its my carpal tunnel acting up, but that would only be half the truth... I'm not even really sure why i'm doing this, but I can only say that paying this close attention to what is really going on, is getting a bit depressing. Without the Daily Show it would be frankly, unbearable to stay even quasi-informed. Fortunately, the days are getting longer and we're all getting stronger, so this will be fuN! BE the change! ]

Thursday, January 13, 2005

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.7 (January 13, 2005)

Moment of Zen: Barbara Walters, interviewing President Bush "if there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction, if we were wrong, was it worth it?" Did the president say a) absolutely or b) definitely, A-ABSOLUTELY. as if he hopes that just hearing him say it "confidently" will be enough to make us believe it? [maybe we should ask him to elaborate, what exactly he believes 'it" is...and "worth it"...what was 'worth' what to whom, in order for this war to be "WORTH IT"?

DOUBLE ZEN - channel surfing just before catching the 1/14 re-run of the 1/13 Daily Show and I just happened to catch the end of Bush Family Fortunes on "public access." OI!L

In light of the search for WMD's being called off, in the MessoPotamia spot, Jon Stewart pointed out the latest Bush administration explanation of our justification for the war: "Saddam hussein was guilty of undermining the United Nation's oil for food program and in breach of UN resolution 1441. September 11th changed the equation.." He went on to mention September 11 gratuitously was it: 4, 5, 6, or 7 times??? Yo, wasn't September 11 in 2001, and um, wasn't that ...BEFORE we even thought of any equation involving invading Iraq, wasn't it?

Senior Weapons Analyst Stephen Colbert, mentioned the end of the hunt for WMDs is 'affecting the administration deeply' and that they are going through their own 'five stages of grief':
  1. anger
  2. denial
  3. angry denial
  4. denial over their anger
  5. acceptance that there will be no repurcussions.

Jon asked, after all this...We haven't found anything?

I was so inspired I dropped my Mickey Mouse Pen and all I caught was:

"No. We found something. We found nothing. Nothingness comes with the ego death of
......satori...something...?...suddenly the
bottom falls out of the bucket and we achieve enlightenment."

Daily Show International Pamphlet...uh, nice new segment name guys!
Mexico - pamphlet shows residents how to cross the border into the US safely.
China - celebrating the birth of their 1.3 billionth resident.
Afghanistan - burning piles 'o poppies - drug war photo op of the week
Australia? man living with wolves. looks like a weirdo when he tries to sing along with them. is THAT what I look like when I sing with my dogs, yikes! ;0)

Guest: Annette Benning, movie: Being Julia

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.6 (January 12, 2005)

Moment of Zen:

George Bush (speaking at town hall meeting with supporters of privatizing social security):

"...secondly, the interesting...uh...african american males die sooner than other males. That means the system is inherently unfair to a certain group of people. That needs to be fixed."

Jon announced that today the US officially stopped the search for Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. I hope now that they lost yet another justification for this war that brings us one step closer to understanding the true reason(s), a necessary first step towards ending the conflict. Is it oil? Alternative Energy. Is it drugs? Alternative Medicine! Is it a need for control? Alternative SIMPLICITY! Is it habit, or a family fued? Maybe we should just try an Alternative WORLDVIEW! The easiest thing to change of all is just what we need: a more REAListic idea about the world and how we must spend our "energy" to "survive".

SOCIAL DISTORTION: Lead story about Bush and his proposal to privatize social security by creating "a personal savings account that will compound over time...that you can't buy a lottery ticket with or ... a dice game..." Thats right America, the government is tired of you throwing your money away at useless pipe dreams, and instead wants you to throw your money away into an account they can keep on doing whatever they want with.

Lingering questions: How many Trillions of dollars is this investment banking 'Scheme' going to cost to implement? What level of confidence do you have that it will get to the root of the problems and solve them? And who exactly were the people speaking in favor of this plan (Sonya Stone, and Bob McFadden)? Where were the citizens with constructive criticism? IF we treated every human as a valuable and equal being, and taught them valuable skills to help them take better care of themselves, and stopped allowing the massive amount of chemicals into our air, water, food, to keep accumulating, perhaps the burden of "social security" woud be relieved by some ACTUAL security.

My preference: do as much as I can to meet my needs without money, creating a circle of friends who intentionally network to help each other through the exchange of skills, services and sweat for the improvement and enlightenment of ourselves, our communities, and our world. let abundance come from an outgrowth of my indestructable enthusiasm for positive change. (visit my other blog: )

Samantha Bee did a special report on Florida and the educational "crisis" being generated by "The Cary Baker Freedom Act". The schools are being ordered to have a 2 foot by 3 foot american flag in each classroom, and one "unpatriotic" Principal from Ormond Beach Middle School only has flags that measure 1.5 feet by 2.5 feet - apparently he doesn't want to spend the money to replace them. He should get a medal for reducing waste in federal spending. Its not as if the size of the flag has anything to do with true freedom...

Louis Black - Back in Black...
Awesome high anxiety rant as usual, this time discussing "New Years Resolutions for the Democratic Party" Number One, find a new leader...Number Two, Stand Up more... not necessarily standing up FOR anything, just stand up more and fill up time with useless babbling apparently. It was sad to hear all the democracts discussing the recount effort in Ohio as if it nevery crossed their mind that maybe if the truth were REALLY knowable, the outcome would change. Personally, looking at everything the Bush Admin has done since election day, and everything done before hand to skew the outcome, it seems there is enough at stake here to speak up about the truth about how bad things were!


Great quote of the night: "its as if Martin Luther King said, I have a dream, not that it'll do any good!" and his advice to the democratic party: "Kill time until the rapture comes, the righteous christians will get called back to heaven and THEN maybe the democrats might win back control of the House and Senate!"

Guest Dennis Quaid, movie In Good carpal tunnel is acting up so comment at this time.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.5 (January 11, 2005)

Moment of Zen: Dan Rather, stoney faced and emotionless delivering a monotone recitation of "Country Roads" by John Denver. I missed the "original" Zen so I did a quick google search - and learned that this was Rather on the occasion celebrating the rescue of Jessica Lynch....

A rare moment of true sadness from Jon Stewart today, as he let us in on the pain he was feeling - "hurtin like a boat adrift in a storm." He showed the January 24 cover of People magazine - FROM THE FUTURE - and its full cover photo and story "WHY THEY SPLIT" about the end of Brad Pitt and Jenifer Aniston's relationship. Why so sad? Well, he showed the January 17 cover of People which gave full cover status to the TSUNAMI - then focussed on the small photo of the couple highlighting their "Romantic Getaway".

Jon says he's sad 'cause People gave us HOPE just a week before only to dash it now...but really, someone ought to answer the underlying question of why the stars' romance is deemed so important it completely outshadows the relief efforts ongoing in southeast asia?

On the other hand, I was just about to write a little article on my "blisseffect" blog urging the world to lift itself up out of grief and move on to find happiness in the simple things, because of my recently gained understanding of how much we create "the future" by what thoughts, images, emotions we feel "today".

In our typically American gory obsession with the aftermath though, I hope others are beginning to hear the stories of strength and miracles that are coming through - how people are chipping in to help each other as a community rather than wait for outside "aid", and what about those animal stories - how did they all survive?! And the people who woke up and ran up the hill, five minutes before the wave hit... What on EARTH is up with that??

Here's the best news yet: that mysterious "sixth sense" you keep hearing about is a skill or talent we can all learn to use, and not only will it help us instinctively know when its time to "get out of the way" it'll also help us and the stars we admire, learn to live together in healthier, more balanced relationships...

Back to the Daily Show...Jon gave a hard-hitting report on the 'SEE B.S / Rathergate' controversy. You can read about that elsewhere...Rob Corddry made the cute point that in news today "you don't need the facts, if you have the right inflection?" So, if you ask a question, it can get to the heart of the matter more directly and without so much pesky research and validation of "facts".

My advice: keep on asking questions until you get an answser that you are certain is TRUE. This may take rephrasing the question, asking a few different people, or trying a few different keywords in your Google search.

Ironically in the case of 'rathergate' the memos that surfaced were allegedly "faked" however, the information regarding George W. Bush's dismal national guard service record were, apparently, actually true. However, in attacking the "memo" we - as a country - apparently obilterated the entire message. Now CBS fired four senior staff members and is hiring one person to oversee "fact checking" in the future...if anyone find out who gets that position, please let me know? thanks!

Inauguration Day is quickly approaching, January 20, 2005. Is anyone else like me, hoping that somehow in the next week a miracle happens and all the surpressed information about the last election comes to light and we Americans take to the streets like the Ukraine and stay there until we get the change we know we need? Yeah, I know, i'm a dreamer. In my reality, PEACE is the norm, TRUTH is the standard, and LOVE is the law....

I quickly lost track of all the millions and millions in expenses adding up for the inauguration, but definitely irked me that they are going to bill $12 million to the District of Columbia for security - the district voted 9 out of 10 for John Kerry. Note to DC residents - the reason Bush/Cheney have never been to Madison, Wisconsin is that our city has told them they have to pay for their OWN DAMN SECURITY! Try that one out, see if it helps!

Did you know that Bush is charging $250,000 per person to attend an exclusive lunch and candlelight dinner with himself --> with so many people on the verge of starvation here, there, everywhere... I wanna know - who actually forks up that much to kiss presidential butt over coffee, and what favors do they expect in return? I guess only the next four years will tell.

Brooks and Dunn and Kid Rock to provide entertainment??? Not so fast Jon....
THIS JUST IN: Jon highlighted an organization called
"American Family Association" - apparently just a
point and a click and their members can activate to fight for important
issues such as:

Kid Rock Victory! Thanks to the support of AFA online members AFA
learned Wednesday afternoon that Kid Rock, who was being considered to be a
performer at the Youth Concert in the Presidential Inauguration on Thursday
January 20th, will NOT be performing. Thank you for taking action in this
endeavor and for your continuing support of American Family

That's ok, I'd rather go hear a local DJ play some new dance beats and have a spontaneous potluck dinner with my friends, and celebrate the fact that TRUTH is IMMORTAL while GEORGE BUSH ONLY GETS 4 more years. thanks! I recommend more of us join this AFA and share the diversity of opinion that is what truly makes America great...and rather than email, we should HANDWRITE letters to our 'leaders' and let them in on the secret....that there are no more secrets!

So, the last Inauguration saw the hugest protests ever for any American president....did it make any difference? More people protested the war in Iraq, and were ignored... its frustrating, but don't lose hope. If my hunch is right and that "protesting against" something just creates more negative vibration - I hope this year, those who gather decide to find a positive way to demonstrate that WE THE PEOPLE - CAN BE THE CHANGE WE NEED, from the ground up. (What if DANCING is the opposite of WAR? What if we could create more peace just by DANCING MORE?)

Great Moments in Puditry - Aug 4, 2004...didn't make the kids laugh...but did highlight journalists Tim Russert and Bill O'Reilly labeling an economist a "quasi-socialist"

Guest Star: Samuel L. Jackson the definition of Cool Itself! Talking about his upcoming moving film "Coach Carter" - and upcoming release of the next Star Wars movie which he says will wrap everything up in a neat little package and answer all the important questions. Will it answer the million dollar question - and remind us once and for all that "the Force" IS with us, and that it is "Prana, Light, Chi, Energy, Love, God, Truth" ie, FREE energy for everbody.

Alcohol tip of the day: Samuel L Jackson mentioned he loves to play golf, tennis, and ping pong...Jon mentioned playing Ping Pong as a drinking "game" - where if you get the ball in a cup everyone has to drink and that once you get to 21 someone has to go to the hospital. The truth is, alcohol isn't fun and games, its one of the few substances on the planet that in relatively small amounts can actually kill you - with alcohol poisoning. Guess what a hangover is: a slightly milder case of ALCOHOL POISONING. I was surfing channels the other day and some scientific lecturer was on talking about how the minute alcohol enters the body, it gets converted into some highly toxic ie, deadly substance. So kids, take it from Bliss...don't play drinking games with alcohol - unless you like to play "dead".

Victory for Freedom of Speech? Jon Stewart's book America, which was banned from libraries in Mississippi yesterday, was un-banned today. The memo announcing the reversal said "we have come under intense scrutiny by the outside community" SO - keep up the good work, scrutinize EVERYTHING and WRITE A LETTER of CONCERN to shed a little more "light" on the issues that get you fired up! I'm convinced that e-mails are too easily ignored (based on the size of my own inbox and the difficulty in finding anything of real importance amid offers to enlarge my penis ;0) SO go back to basics and when an issue grabs your attention, get out a pen, paper and write them a short letter by hand and from the heart and do it NOW!

Monday, January 10, 2005

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.4 (January 10, 2005)

Moment of Zen: Clip of Richard Gere from Palestinian TV commercial promoting the importance of voting in their recent English and ARABIC!

Free Speech Alert: Jon Stewart's book "America" was banned in Mississippi - apparently seeing the Supreme Court in their birthday suits was a little too alarming to them. I happened to flip through this book at Borders Bookstore last week, and noticed it had the look and feel of a real MTV generation textbook, full of pictures and cool stuff - unfortunately I missed the page in question so I can't say for sure if the Justices nudity really does justify censorship of this type. I'll have to browse a little more slowly next time...

The Palestinian Elections (report by Rob Corddry)
Pointed out the Palenstinians had a higher turnout than even the US, saying it was due to "having nothing better to do." What do we have to do in the US that is so important? Probably looking to hollywood stars and videogames for answers or escape, making us too busy for anything more involved, such as finding the truth for ourselves...

More info from Google Search:
What Gere Said:
"Hi, I'm Richard Gere and I'm speaking for the entire world. We're with you during this election time. It's really important. Get out and vote," Gere said in the advertisement. He repeated the final phrase in Arabic.
Local Reaction:
"I don't even know who the candidates are other than Mahmoud Abbas, let alone this Gere," Gaza soap factory worker Manar An Najar told Reuters.
"We don't need the Americans' intervention. We know who to elect. Not like them - they elected a moron."
Who Made It:
The Gere spot, sponsored by grassroots Israeli-Palestinian peace lobby One Voice, recalled ads put out by Hollywood notables to support Democratic candidate Senator John Kerry in November's US elections. He lost to President George W Bush.

Really folks, the rest of the world doesn't look to US for an example on how to have a good election. How did it happen? Too many people either too busy to look a little deeper for the Truth, or too brainwashed? My advice to all humans: don't wait for another election to find a CANDIDATE to solve our problems, they don't have a clue. Its gotta start from the ground up. We all gotta "BE the change" - unless we're happy being called morons. then just keep on keepin on...

Ed Helms Report "Canadian Fakin'" (replayed). His advice for american's who don't want to be treated as vile enemies of freedom when we travel abroad: pretend to be Canadian by wearing a maple leaf t-shirt, sold online by Bill Broadbent. Makes ya wonder, why is there a Canada anyway, and why are they so much cooler than Americans?

Next Jon Stewart asked his teen audience: Put down your bong and watch this...a TV ad which is really just untruthful government propaganda. Really? In America??? He went on to show clips of the commercial, produced by the "Office of National Drug Control Policy" at a cost of $155,000 in which John Walters talks about how "pop culture tends to trivialize marijuana as a source of dependency, poor performance in school, etc, etc." Whats the big deal?

Priorities, priorities. Actually, even the World Health Organization produced a report that was promptly buried, which showed that marijuana is relatively harmless especially compared with cigarettes and beer which are much more frequently abused by teens - and which cause actual harm that is known to kill you prematurely, but which are available everywhere.

With the really harmful drugs like Crack Cocaine and Heroin (which are much more harmful and addictive even than Alcohol and Tobacco, not to mention gov't sanctioned drugs like sugar and caffeine) becoming so common that they are showing up on the CNN ticker as appearing in babies milk or at nursery school, why is the government "cracking down" on what may be the LEAST HARMFUL OF ALL SUBSTANCES instead of focussing some attention on the REAL problems, or at least DRUGS that cause REAL problems? Could it be $$$?

Oh how deep does the corruption go? Jon next pointed out that Armstrong Williams, a syndicated columnist, was paid $240,000 to support the presidents "No Child Left Behind" initiative. From local news reports I've read teachers are finding this a complete disaster, with more and more focus on tests and less focus on actual learning. The teachers can't teach properly if they fear losing funding because a handful of students aren't 'fill in the blank' robots who always give the answer we expect. I love the way Jon pointed out this waste of money, why, it would have been enough to produce approximately TWO really crappy, really inaccurate anti-pot commercials. And all this time, there are HOW Many KIDS in the uS living beneath the poverty level? What about getting our priorities straight gov? huh? gov!? HERE IS A THOUGHT: instead of wasting money 'buying' support for your WRONG policies, why not put that money towards answering the real questions and solving the real problems? hm? Would that be so hard?

GUEST JOHN GRISHAM was promoting his book "The Broker" - Since he's from Mississippi Jon asked "innocently" - What's wrong with them? Grisham responded: "They don't do nudity" then went on to share how great it is to get banned, for overall book sales. Yay, banned books!

Thursday, January 06, 2005

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.3 (January 6, 2005)

Moment of Zen: An eerie clip of Alberto Gonzales standing completely and absolutely motionless in a crowd at his confirmation hearing. Is it live, or is it memor-x?

Opening remarks tonight gave a simple Teaching in Conscious Creation. Jon pointed out that they heard over the wire service that Crossfire, the show he criticized rather opening last year, has been cancelled. He said apparently "all you have to do to get a show cancelled is say it out loud." I applaud Jon Stewart for having the courage to go on the Crossfire show and speak his truth. If you see something you want to change, and don't feel you have the 'reach' a big star like Jon Stewart has, think again. Often just the simple act of writing a letter asking for a change and giving a positive suggestion can lead to change.

The truth in this is that verbalizing or writing your intent, especially when done with positive emotion, does actually help make it a reality. From the Bible, this appears as "ask and ye shall receive" - sometimes, we don't get what we ask for / perhaps in these cases, instead, we get what we actually need but are so much expecting a very specific outcome that we miss the fact that something totally different has been offered to solve the problem. Another reason is that we say we want something, then immediately disempower that thought through fear. The more your 'request' is in line with universal values, the more positive emotion you bring to your visualization, the more effortlessly and sometimes miraculously the answer will be given. Ask for guidance, watch for signs, then act on what you are shown...

Alberto Gonzales Confirmation Hearing - IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING?
Jon joked about the term confirmation: "the Attorney General and a 13 year old Catholic Girl both go through confirmation, but only one is quizzed on electrical stimulation of genitals." This is a reference to the fact that Alberto Gonzales wrote a memo in which he rationalized the use of torture by US forces in Iraq, calling the Geneva Convention "obsolete and quaint". When questioned repeatedly about his attitudes on torture, Alberto used the familiar "compassionate conservative" tactic of evasion: I don't remember, I have no views, are you asking me a question? Ironically, Jon pointed out that maybe a little _persuasion_ was needed to make him answer.

Unfortunately, our troops at war are also protected by the Geneva Convention, and our administration's flippant attitude towards this terribly unethical and inhumane behavior will in the long run turn around and hurt US.

The MOST alarming was Alberto's statement that "we are a nation of laws, not of men." EXCUUUUUUUSE ME? Anybody read the Declaration of Independence lately? Not me, but a Google Search found the National Archives site - and it was clear that this is why that quote sent shivers down my spine:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.."

Or perhaps our Constitution?
"We the People of the United States..."


The Gettysburg Address
Nov. 19, 1863
Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of it as a final resting place for those who died here that the nation might live. This we may, in all propriety do. But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have hallowed it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

It is rather for us the living, we here be dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion--that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."

Homeland Security Tidbits:
A seven year old girl behind the bizarre US airline "laser" incident?
Homeland Security department attended a Security Conference in WaiKiKi Hawaii last November, and boy we should feel safer knowing a film crew was able to videotape Tom Ridge relaxing poolside without him or the Secret Service noticing. AloHA!

Great moments in Punditry was hilarious - two kids read a transcript from Crossfire, Sept 10, 2004 where Paul Pegala and Robert Novak discussed Bush's pretend-interest in reading the book My Pet Goat (upside down) silently and with no sign of emotional reaction even after being told that an airplane had hit the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. It was good to see kids laughing!

Guest: Howard Zinn, author of "Voices of a People's History"
Sounds like a good book, filled with "200 statements of defiance"
Pointed out how ironic it is that Christopher Columbus is celebrated as a hero and taught to be such in the US educational system, and yet in truth he tortured, dismembered, and murdered Native Americans when he "discovered" America. The discussion pondered the parallels between Columbus and Bush. We all know now that every reason used to justify war with Iraq were elaborate misinformation campaigns if not outright lies, and so they pondered whether the real reason for the war was "Oil, or Drugs, or Oil AND Drugs" / Basically - our government is addicted to war and can't see how unnecessary it is and how wasteful of human life and energy. Maybe if we got to the root causes/source of our problems and work together to solve them rather than continue to run blindly down a road we know is headed NOwhere...we'd actually be able to live together in peace on this beautiful planet.

Zinn made a comment that sounded almost zen talking about the evolution of war: "right now, at this moment, we're doing OK, but that's it" (the Power of Now, by Ekhardt Tolle is a must read to see the significance of that simple truth).

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.2 (January 5, 2005)

Moment of Zen: A scene from Capitol Hill - "Eternal God, before you nations rise and fall..."

Opening of 109th Congress / Bush made comments about his Father being president before him and being the only son to follow his fathers steps in that way, and also having a brother in politics (Jeb). Just one question: what would the founders of our country say this was an example of Despotism or just Nepotism?

Now that the Republican Party successfully used all the tricks in the book ( they now control all three branches of government. Thats ok, most of us didn't know there was more than one branch, anyway. Also, they only think they are in control 'cause of their view looking down at us all from the top - in reality, control is neither possible or necessary. Too bad they waste so much energy trying to maintain the illusion - hope that will shift soon so we can start taking better care of humanity, here and all around the Earth.

Samantha B. interviewed Ed Heeney a "compassionate conservative" from Ft Lauderdale who said he's not really homophobic but "homonauseac*" - after loosing a game of pool to a woman. He said "the gays make it difficult for me to play pool. Some guys actually like to see two women kissing," he continued, "to me its insanity." *Ed's term

I'll tell you what is insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I hope Bush learned from the failures of judgement made now and in the past and stops the insanity, and celebrates the new year and new term by pledging NO NEW WARS!

He went on to coin the Second Daily Show New Word of the Day: intenuendos.

I am very sad that so much energy is wasted on homophobia (fear of what other people are doing in private relationships) or its lesser cousin homonausea (suffered only by those afraid to say they are afraid). I have thought about it for quite some time and I think the basic dilemma is this: each human has an equal balance of Male/Female energy - I believe that homophobia comes from a complete and abject fear of this "divine feminine" energy - which most men in our society have never been told about.

So these poor guys probably feel like something is wrong with them, when in reality all they need is to lighten up and love themselves FIRST, exactly as they were made, and then remember to be nice to people no matter how different they are. Different is GOOD!

Just accept that everyone is different - just like snowflakes we're each unique. Just like snowflakes, we are also much the same: we come from the same place, and live out our lives in just about the same ways. Eat, drink, poop, pee, puke, cry, laugh, sing, sweat, fart. Work, Play, Live, Die, Dream, write, create, music as well as art. Each of us may have had many lives as both sexes in the past. Eventually in a soul's development gender begins to lose importance in relation to the actual experience of TRUE LOVE.

It is really unfortunate that Karl Rove and co. decided that "gay marriage" would be the issue used to divide people in the 2004 US Presidential Election...wouldn't it be better if we could just all get along, take care of the poor and hungry and sick the best we can, face up to the changes we know we need to make, and above all, love everybody as an equal, after all...we are all created equally, and all have a right to be happy. (PST. That means Iraqi's too)

Let government do what it does best, if it can ever figure out what that is (HINT: it will not solve this countries problems to promise more meaningless low paying jobs or providing more people with prescription drug coverage - in fact prescription drugs kill more Americans every year than all "illegal" drugs combined! In almost every case, simple and natural is better than manufactured or genetically modified substances modified in a laboratory for the mere purpose of being able to patent them. NATURAL MEDICINE = KNOW THYSELF, HEAL THYSELF)

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.1 (Jan 4, 2005)

Moment of Zen: women talking on "The View" about a supermodel who'd been to the Maldives for her honeymoon...a month ago. awww...sorry to hear that, that was a close call!

Lead Story: Tsunami Disaster

Algebra Homework: If the US govt originally offered 15 million in relief aid to the Tsunami victims and that is 1/5 of what it costs for 5 hours of war in Iraq, and we have now increased "how much we care" to a total of 350 the current rate of inflation, how many hours until the end of the war in Iraq?

Here's my 1.11 cents: "fundraising effort" is a great start but a check or credit card will not do nearly as much good as if we all started to care a little bit more about what is going on ALL the time, not just when there is a disaster. Also, what an incredible coincidence that there was an earthquake in Bam, Iran a year earlier. Statistically, what are the odds of that?

In a story about Teen Kids TV news, a list of teen interests as 1) smoking pot 2) masturbating and 3) masturbating while smoking pot. Its important to know "how to stay relaxed". Exercise, meditation, yoga and tai-chi work also.

Mess O Potamia - Iraq's elections are coming up. After seeing the difference between reactions to elections in the US and Ukraine, which approach will Iraq take? I think at least in Ukraine they have had their democracy for a short enough time to know what it is worth. Isn't the US cute, thinking we invented and perfected democracy here?

ARABIC SIGHTING: the Iraqi flag appears in the Daily Show's Mess O POTAMIA logo. The words on the flag are in Arabic, and they say:
Allah Akbar - God is Great / Islam, you may oknow already, actually means peace.

Now - talking with Guest Paul Giamatti from Sideways, Jon says "I know a little something about beer and cigarettes." My bet is that he's figured out both of these two LEGAL products are killing us, and putting our healthcare in crisis, costing us a fortune, while the drug war tries to keep us all from being able to use a medicinal herbal plant to RELAX!

New Daily Show Term of the Day: Re-bring the Enthusiasm / a good description of the ascencion process now underway on earth. We are being called to raise our vibration (enthusiasm) in fact, it is happening everywhere in the universe at once so trying to hold back is just making this process harder.

In this show, Jon Stewart asked the question: who are the journalists of tomorrow. I AM. I AM. Bloggers are!

PS. They played a repeat, not sure from which date but, I thought I heard a GUEST from Lemony Snickets Series of Unfortunate Events make the COMMENT: is it TRUE OR FALSE? THE HARP - IS AN AMERICAN INSTRUMENT? I thought ANGELS played harps?? This was the same episode where the two main topics were Abstinence for Teen Sex and Homeland Security...featuring a guy who is a "Security Consultant" in NY who couldn't come up with anything better to describe the meaning of Christmas than a "jolly f^cking fat guy who makes you feel good". Anyone else as unsure, should consider a Google quest. Where did Christmas come from and what about the rest of the world (Hanukah, festival of lights, the hindu also have a festival of light. Isn't winter when we ALL need more LIGHT? Northern Hemisphere only of course. ;0)

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.13 (January 25, 2005)

**Although I'm a few weeks behind on posting them, I have been continuing to take notes on the Daily Show, and gaining new respect for ...