Tuesday, January 25, 2005

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.11 (January 20, 2005)

[I am not sure why I'm blogging the daily show but I do have a theory: if the rest of America watched the Daily Show, in addition to their 'mainstream' news outlet(s) of choice...they would not have made this mistake in the first place, or the second place..Not that Kerry would have been able to change much, but imagine that Fallujah...abu Ghraib would never have happened...our president wouldn't need multimillion dollar security for his party....so, please tell your friends to watch the Daily Show, or visit the Comedy Central web page for clips of the best scenes."]

Moment of Zen:

Rehnquist: "...so help me God."
Bush: "...so help me God."
straight into a rendition of John Ashcrofts "hit single" Let the Eagle Soar...

ow, he's hurting the music! So, HELP ME GOD!

Lead Story: The Re-Oathening
Rob Cordry said the overall feeling was one of pride that our democracy could handle such a "peaceful non-transfer of power" and jested that "we welcome the second Bush term as an opportunity for not just more of the same but all of the same." awwww, nuts...i mean, woo hoo!

President Bush's inaugural speech sounded like something he put together with a very small magnetic poetry kit...you know, the kind you play with on your locker or fridge door? "there is no justice without freedom...when you stand for liberty, we'll stand for you...definition of liberty...blah blah...advance the cause of freedom...blah blah...
Q: Where can we find the complete transcript of this and other Bush battles of the big clearly undefined terms?

"when Bush solemly swore, at least 49% of the country also solemnly swore..."

"It was not so much an inauguration as the establishment of a dynasty, no, Empire..."

Re: making the oath of office, the Cheney family held the Bible but Mary Cheney "can't touch the Bible...it burns! Feel the P O W E R!" haha. right!

Guest: Joe Lieberman said he was not going to the inauguration, but with his wife to "a democratic party where were gonna try and be happy."

Hopes to fight the changes in Social Security, and also make the president to "see the danger coming" with Global Warming (which should really be called, climate change)

Glimmer of Hope? Liebermann says that while Bush was being sworn in, he and John Kerry were "both lip synching - both of us have also been sworn in as president, and are ready to take over whenever needed."

When asked how he can work with the conservatives in DC: "high tolerance for pain"

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DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.13 (January 25, 2005)

**Although I'm a few weeks behind on posting them, I have been continuing to take notes on the Daily Show, and gaining new respect for ...