Wednesday, January 05, 2005

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.2 (January 5, 2005)

Moment of Zen: A scene from Capitol Hill - "Eternal God, before you nations rise and fall..."

Opening of 109th Congress / Bush made comments about his Father being president before him and being the only son to follow his fathers steps in that way, and also having a brother in politics (Jeb). Just one question: what would the founders of our country say this was an example of Despotism or just Nepotism?

Now that the Republican Party successfully used all the tricks in the book ( they now control all three branches of government. Thats ok, most of us didn't know there was more than one branch, anyway. Also, they only think they are in control 'cause of their view looking down at us all from the top - in reality, control is neither possible or necessary. Too bad they waste so much energy trying to maintain the illusion - hope that will shift soon so we can start taking better care of humanity, here and all around the Earth.

Samantha B. interviewed Ed Heeney a "compassionate conservative" from Ft Lauderdale who said he's not really homophobic but "homonauseac*" - after loosing a game of pool to a woman. He said "the gays make it difficult for me to play pool. Some guys actually like to see two women kissing," he continued, "to me its insanity." *Ed's term

I'll tell you what is insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I hope Bush learned from the failures of judgement made now and in the past and stops the insanity, and celebrates the new year and new term by pledging NO NEW WARS!

He went on to coin the Second Daily Show New Word of the Day: intenuendos.

I am very sad that so much energy is wasted on homophobia (fear of what other people are doing in private relationships) or its lesser cousin homonausea (suffered only by those afraid to say they are afraid). I have thought about it for quite some time and I think the basic dilemma is this: each human has an equal balance of Male/Female energy - I believe that homophobia comes from a complete and abject fear of this "divine feminine" energy - which most men in our society have never been told about.

So these poor guys probably feel like something is wrong with them, when in reality all they need is to lighten up and love themselves FIRST, exactly as they were made, and then remember to be nice to people no matter how different they are. Different is GOOD!

Just accept that everyone is different - just like snowflakes we're each unique. Just like snowflakes, we are also much the same: we come from the same place, and live out our lives in just about the same ways. Eat, drink, poop, pee, puke, cry, laugh, sing, sweat, fart. Work, Play, Live, Die, Dream, write, create, music as well as art. Each of us may have had many lives as both sexes in the past. Eventually in a soul's development gender begins to lose importance in relation to the actual experience of TRUE LOVE.

It is really unfortunate that Karl Rove and co. decided that "gay marriage" would be the issue used to divide people in the 2004 US Presidential Election...wouldn't it be better if we could just all get along, take care of the poor and hungry and sick the best we can, face up to the changes we know we need to make, and above all, love everybody as an equal, after all...we are all created equally, and all have a right to be happy. (PST. That means Iraqi's too)

Let government do what it does best, if it can ever figure out what that is (HINT: it will not solve this countries problems to promise more meaningless low paying jobs or providing more people with prescription drug coverage - in fact prescription drugs kill more Americans every year than all "illegal" drugs combined! In almost every case, simple and natural is better than manufactured or genetically modified substances modified in a laboratory for the mere purpose of being able to patent them. NATURAL MEDICINE = KNOW THYSELF, HEAL THYSELF)

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DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.13 (January 25, 2005)

**Although I'm a few weeks behind on posting them, I have been continuing to take notes on the Daily Show, and gaining new respect for ...