Wednesday, February 23, 2005

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.13 (January 25, 2005)

**Although I'm a few weeks behind on posting them, I have been continuing to take notes on the Daily Show, and gaining new respect for REAL journalists like Jon Stewart. Who knew how time consuming this would be, and also how deeply spiritually challenging - to know so much about what is going on, one must eventually find some way to DEAL with it! I GOT SOO depressed right around the innauguration that I lacked the energy to transfer my notes onto the Blog. So anybody out there wanna buy me Tivo? That'd make things a LOT easier! ;0)

Moment of Zen: Dick Cheney on Imus in the Morning (radio show) saying:
"We don't want a war in the Middle East if we can avoid it...."

/\/\/\/\/Jon recommends any viewers who have a beard and appear to be of Middle Eastern descent, when travelling or in a crowd, say: "I would just like everyone to know, I'm Dominican..." Dominican: person born in the Dominican Republic, a carribbean island between Jamaica and Puerto Rico.

Mess O'Potamia: Seymour Hirsch, published an article in the New Yorker, warning of surveillance in Iran by our government...almost as if they are ramping up for yet another war. Bush, denying that he'd read that report and saying that the Pentagon says it isn't true. He went on to say what he DID know:

1) There will be elections in Iraq
2) There will be a democratic state in Iraq
3) Such a state will serve as an example to the "neighborhood"

Jon went on to show a map of the region, using tic-tac-toe X's showing...
Afghanistan to the East...X
Iraq to the West...X
IRAN, right in the middle of the 2...X!!!
So, there goes the route for the oil pipeline Halliburton started planning out way before September 11, they think we are stupid??

Jon moved along to give an Introduction to Iran, before th emap is covered with troop movement diagrams....
Capital: Tehran
Language: Farsi
Currency: Rial
Architecture: "Still Standing"
...reminding us that since Iran has no equivalent of Saddam Hussein, it would be harder for the neo-cons to "market a Persian Incursion"...that youth under age 15 make up 1/3 of the population of 67 million...which means there will be growth in either reactionary Islam, or MTV

Rob Cordry: Ross Group, Ruby Hunt 525 Lexington Street, St Paul, MN...doesn't think Charles M. Schultz's peanuts sculptures are worthy to share the park with a statue of F Scott Fitzgerald.

Guest...Seymorre Hirsch, really frightening...said that the "neo-cons" don't want Iran to exist and that they're planning something of a strategic attack THIS SUMMER! NO BLANK CHECK FOR WAR!!!

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.13 (January 25, 2005)

**Although I'm a few weeks behind on posting them, I have been continuing to take notes on the Daily Show, and gaining new respect for ...