Monday, January 24, 2005

DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.10 (January 19, 2005)

Moment of Zen:

newcaster saying "a new book may rewrite american history, sex researcher CA Tripp claims that President Clinton may have been gay." co-anchors immediately chime in "no, no! Lincoln, President Lincoln."

Easy to understand that uh, slip of the tongue....

Opening Story:

The band "Fuel" taking heat for coming on stage at the Bush inauguration festivities saying "welcome to the greatest F*cking country in the world!" A difficult situation for the right, as "he cursed, but in the service of patriotism. He said F*ck, but used it to modify the terrifficness of the country."

Inaugural fashion tip: Fear is the new Black / Never before in history has the inauguration of an american president been surrounded by so much military "protection". Does this reveal a level of fear/paranoia in the whitehouse that perhaps it feels deep down it just might be askin' for trouble after four years of lies and deception....? Or was it more in reaction to the HUGE protests egging the presidents motorcade LAST inauguration? Was it just me, or did this huge show of force seem more directed towards preventing protests from getting anywhere near the event? Anyhoo, after planning a $40 mil party and not inviting US, I guess a little extra security at the door is justified to "keep out the riff raff." ahem.

Jon said "a record number of bomb sniffing dogs are on hand to protect the president from exploding snausages (a kind of dog treat)"

Whaaaaa!? Ritz-Carlton offered guests of the inauguration party a package for $105,000 which included a BUTLER, chocolate "cowboy boots", fashion statement dress for the ladies, and for the romantic "we love our president" contingent, rose petals arranged on the bed in the shape of a W! Was that one night, or two? I bet Mother Nature is pretty p/o'd at this unprecedented egotistical misuse of flowers. I'm with the "man in the street" who called this spectacle a "repudiation of everything America should stand for."

TO: Jack Evans, DC Councilman
FROM: A mind boggled citizen
RE: $12mil security bill for the inauguration
JUST SAY NO!!! President Bush created the climate making this security necessary by his own personal choices and therefore he personally should be liable for the expense.

Daily Show Timeline of Dead Guys
1863 Abraham Lincoln....just who was he? CA Tripp claims he was gay...or was he just huddling for warmth in a day when central heating didn't exist? Or is sexuality actually pretty irrelevant to running a country?
1600 Shakespeare - Knew way too much about syphillis
1360 BC King Tut's mummy was given a CT-Scan (or was that an MRI?) "the only guy powerful enough to get people to go to a museum."

Guest: Michael Beschloss - Presidential Historian and writer. Was wearing the biggest BLUE tie I've ever seen. Does that make him a liberal?

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DailyShow AfterGlow 2005.13 (January 25, 2005)

**Although I'm a few weeks behind on posting them, I have been continuing to take notes on the Daily Show, and gaining new respect for ...